More than a Question of Women’s Rights

Manager Magazin reports in its current edition about the ‘Board Diversity 2014’ Index developed by Prof. Klaus Schweinsberg. The Index measures the composition of Dax 30 Boards in respect of gender, nationaliy, education and age.

To the article (German)

Forging a Transatlantic Cyberalliance

Many European Politicians are still very upset about the NSA activities on governments in Europe. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed this very topic during her recent talks with President Barack Obama. It will take time and effort to rebuild trust in transatlantic relations. But we do not have time to rebuild trust these days. We do not have time to analyze the past. The political climate forces us to shape the future.

Anständig führen (Attentive Leadership)

New on the shelves: The crises of the past years increased entrepreneurial risks in many respects. An eagerness to cope with situations of insecurity has become a core competence. What are the consequences for leaders? Klaus Schweinsberg draws from a wealth of experience gained as personal coach of executive managers and presents leadership principles, which have proven themselves over centuries: Decisiveness, clarity, attentiveness, perseverance, authenticity and sincerity.

Male, German, Business Graduate

How seriously do DAX regulators take diversity in the workplace? This topic is examined in the “Board Diversity Index 2013″ authored by the Centre for Strategy and Higher Leadership, run by Klaus Schweinsberg.

The new Ice Age on the Executive Floor

Analysis: Severe accusations against former Deutsche Bank CEO Ackermann arose following the suicide of manager Pierre Wauthier. The case triggers new discussions about the enormous pressure under which managers have to work.