Hamburg Conference on Foundation Law and the Law of Non-Profit-Organiziations 2016
The Institute for Foundation Law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg held its annual conference from 11th November to 12th November 2016, attracting more than 250 lawyers, tax specialists and non-profit-practitioners. Experts from various disciplines discussed under this year’s general heading “Applying and Designing (tax) law for non-profit foundations and associations”. Klaus Schweinsberg took part in a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Günter Franke, University of Constance; Rudolf Herfurth, Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, Prof. Dr. Birgit Weitemeyer, Bucerius Law School and Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, on “The efficiency of foundation companies and multi-company foundations”.