Hamburg Conference on Foundation Law and the Law of Non-Profit-Organiziations 2016

The Institute for Foundation Law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg held its annual conference from 11th November to 12th November 2016, attracting  more than 250 lawyers, tax specialists and non-profit-practitioners. Experts from various disciplines discussed under this year’s general heading “Applying and Designing (tax) law for non-profit foundations and associations”. Klaus Schweinsberg took part in a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Günter Franke, University of Constance; Rudolf Herfurth, Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, Prof. Dr. Birgit Weitemeyer, Bucerius Law School and Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, on “The efficiency of foundation companies and multi-company foundations”.

Exclusive Tutorial Update 2016

This year’s event for (young) members of Boards of Directors and Boards of Advisers attracted again high-ranking guests and speakers to the conference venue of the Centre for Strategy and Higher Leadership at Lake Constance. Speakers such as Eun-Kyung Park, Managing Director, TV Relations & Business Development, ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH, Hartmut Ostrowski, former Chairman of the board Bertelsmann AG and Dr. Hubert Lienhard, CEO and President Voith GmbH provided valuable insights into their respective fields.

24 Hours 2016 – Today. Tonight. Tomorrow.

Timotheus Höttges invited top-managers from all over the world to attend the “24 Hours” conference for the seventh time in succession. Klaus Schweinsberg served as moderator of the event. Among the speakers were Jaron Lanier, pioneer in virtual reality, computer scientist, artist and author, Kenneth Y. Goldberg, professor of industrial engineering and operations research in robotics, automation, and new media at UC Berkeley, ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Vittorio Colao, CEO of Vodafone, Lord Richard Allan, director public policy Facebook Europe, the co-founder and partner of Mosaic Ventures, Simon Levene, Dr. Notker Wolf, author and abbot primate of the Benedictine Order as well as Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen, chairwoman of the German National Ethics Council.

Exclusive Tutorial 2016

As in previous years, castle Ehreshoven served as the venue of the exclusive tutorial for (young) members of Boards of Directors and Boards of Advisers. The sixth edition of the format featured speakers like Professor Dr. Werner J. Bauer, chairman of the supervisory board of Nestlé Germany AG, Michael Werhahn, former member of the board and today member of the administrative board of Wilh. Werhahn KG and Dr. Reinhard C. Zinkann, managing partner of Miele & Cie. KG.

German Foundation Congress 2016

Klaus Schweinsberg was guest speaker at the German Foundation Congress which took place from 11th – 13th May in Leipzig. He presented a speech titled: “Europe 3.0 –  New Rules of the Game for Politics and Economy.” This years congress focused on demographic change. The annual congress is hosted by the Asscociation of German Foundations. With more than 100 events and about 1.800 participants the German Foundation Congress is the largest congress for foundations in Europe.